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Supporter Impact Report 2024
We are very proud to present our 2024 Supporter Impact Report . This edition provides more examples of the value of the support we...
Habitat forever!
On Saturday we were pleased to entertain Andrew Brookes, Chair of the Trust for Nature Board and Corinne Proske, Trust for Nature CEO,...
A Powerful sight
Spotted recently - a beautiful Powerful Owl, Ninox Strenua . "The largest of Australia’s owls, the Powerful Owl usually inhabits the...
Giant moths
In terms of size, Goat or Wood Moths ( Cossidae ) are some of the largest Lepidoptera on earth. Giants in the genus Endoxyla are common...
Micro moths
Two of the tiniest families of moths are the Nepticulidae (Pygmy or Minute Moths) and Opostegidae (White Eye-cap Moths). When we say...
Our fox busting team is busy
Foxes are a significant threat to our precious wildlife. Lyrebirds, Phascogales, and White-throated Nightjars, are just three of...
Lyrebirds - the boys are working overtime!
Winter is the lyrebird's peak breeding season and the time of year you're most likely to hear or see the males performing their...
New lacewing species found on the Co-op
Two new species of lacewing have recently been added to the Co-op list: Beaded lacewing, Stenobiella pindana and Mantis lacewing, Toolida...
Taking the bait
One of the Co-op’s land management conservation projects is addressing the threat posed by fox predation. We know from our own...
The Curious Kangaroo
It is a conundrum many grapple with: how to observe something without our act of observation effecting the result. An example is clearly...
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