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Birth of a moth
The transformation process from caterpillar to moth. The female Common Splendid Ghost Moth (Aenetus ligniveren) caterpillar has excavated...

Over 500 moths found on the Co-op!
Last week the number of recorded moth species went past the 500 mark - yet another demonstration of the high biodiversity of our 'patch...

480 Moth species recorded on the Co-op
The Co-op, is an area of outstanding biodiversity, and is rich in invertebrate fauna, including Moths. Above: Clara Satin Moth (Thalaina...

Supporter Impact Report 2023
It is our pleasure to present the 2023 Supporter Impact Report which highlights the achievements we have made in our important...

New species for Victoria discovered on the Co-op
Green Lacewing, Mallada traviatus Over 40 specimens of this Green Lacewing have been recorded on the Co-op since 2016. Until now, its...

Hibbertia porcata nomination
Round the Bend Conservation Co-operative has a large population of Christmas Guinea Flower, Hibbertia porcata (taxonomically revised from...

From Plant to Plate
Knocking about in the bush the other day as I instructed a new resident in the fine art of weeding she turned to me, pointed at some...

Foxes and KFC!
There's nothing quite so guaranteed to wake you up in the morning as extricating a wallaby from a soft-jaw fox trap! I was a bit hesitant...

Unique opportunity to live in your own private "National Park"
Do you want to live on 128h of natural bush, in a community of like-minded people who actively work for the conservation and protection...

Share and house for sale
Site 8: Older style two bedroom home surrounded by beautiful bush. Price on application. Reluctantly, after over 40 years of stewardship,...
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